History - The Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness

The Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church has impacted many generations of Brown Hillians and the wider community. Formerly known as the Pilgrim Holiness Church which was established in the 1920s, the new church building was dedicated in 1956 under the leadership of pioneer pastors Louisa Neale (Grant) and Helen Henry. Throughout its 67 years of existence the church has been led by numerous pastors who played a key role in nurturing the Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church.


Pastors Neale and Henry who would have started their service in 1954 in the old “mission” continued to serve until 1957 and were succeeded by Rev and Mrs. Alfred Herbert. According to the available records, Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church would have been served by numerous Pastors including Rev and Mrs. Charles Grant 1961 – 1963, Rev and Mrs. John Esdaille 1965 – 1966, Rev & Mrs. Milton Williams 1967 – 1969, Rev & Mrs. Thomas Griffin 1969 – 1971. Rev. Hazel Harris, originally from Barbuda, was the longest serving pastor to date and she served from 1971 until her retirement in 2002 when she was succeeded by Pastor Euclid Lawrence who served from 2002 to 2007. Rev. Peter Paul served as interim pastor from 2007 to 2008 when Rev. Marcia Tomlinson from Jamaica, was installed and served from 2008 - 2018.

Pastor Alrick Browne served from 2018 – 2019; Rev. Basil Dobson was installed in November 2020 to 2022 and we are currently served by Rev Ron Daniel since 2022 to present. Additionally, Pastors Rodwell Buckley, Janitor Simon and Gertrude Mason would have performed pastoral duties at Brown Hill. In recent years, the pastors would have also served as the chaplain to the Ivor Walters Primary School.


The Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church can be lauded for its impactful spiritual and social contributions to the development of the Brown Hill Community and by extension the island of Nevis. Rev. Hazel Harris, who was the longest serving pastor of the church, pioneered early childhood education on Nevis when she started the Brown Hill Pre-school in the church’s auditorium in 1981 which catered to communities in all parishes on the island. As a result of Rev. Harris’ role in recognizing the need for early childhood education, the island now boasts several public and private early childhood education facilities that caters to the educational and psychosocial development of young children. The church would have produced two Pastors; Rev Alsender Williams who serves on the Virgin Islands District and Vernon Liburd who serves as Pastor of the Wesleyan Holiness Church in Saba.


The Brown Hill Wesleyan Holiness Church continues to be a tower of strength for the community. This is evident in its spiritual accomplishments and the close knit bond of members and followers.

Ephesians 2:19-22 is synonymous with the operations of the Brown Hill Wesleyan Church, it states: “So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.” Amen.