Our Mission

Our statement of Ministry comes from our Discipline (Discipline of the Wesleyan Holiness Churches in the Caribbean) in Chapter 2 which states: The Wesleyan Holiness Church believes that to spread scriptural holiness throughout every land involves joining the entire church of Christ in a full orbed mission to the world including the following:

1) Sharing the divine revelation of full salvation through Christ as recorded in the Holy Scriptures so as to evangelize the lost and to minister redemptively to human society and its institutions.


2) Relating new converts to local churches and providing Spirit filled and well trained pastors and leader for the same.

3) Developing in converts patterns of worship to God and of fellowship with other believers.


4) Discipling them in turn to be witnesses for their Lord.


5) Guiding believers to experience entire sanctification so they are enabled to live whole and holy lives.

6) Providing for them lifelong nurture and instruction.


7) Helping them to develop a Christian interpretation of life and the universe, training them to be good stewards of the talents, time, opportunities and resources with which Christ has entrusted them.


8) Equipping them for lives of dynamic service to God and man so that the full potential God has designed for each of them may be realised.